
This part time hobby became something more, all while I was still studying for my GCSEs. People would reach out to me saying I was not only good at playing the game but also at producing and editing the videos.


My first real attempts at mini edits.

Still learning my trade, but I really enjoyed synchronising music with the footage and setting a certain atmosphere in each video.

OpTic Gaming

I joined the biggest Call Of Duty team in the world at the time, over a million subscribers.

Looking back on it now, I am proud, but back then I would completely play it down.

And although I was contracted to play the game, record and direct videos. I still spent time editing and creating videos not only for myself but for other content creators.

This was my first contracted job, I was handed a partnership with YouTube and had to have the rights to play or use the music in the videos from the artists if I were to monetise the video, claim or put adverts on it.


Edit I did for a teammate’s competition.

Edit I did for myself to be uploaded on the main channel.


Where I started

